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Legal fees depend on several factors, including the amount of time spent on your problem, the novelty and difficulty of the case, the results obtained and costs involved.
In general, the legal fees are explicitly prescribed by Rates on Attorney's Fees and Disbursements.
However, aside to the prescribed fees, the client and attorney at law may agree to one of the below stated fee arrangements

Flat Fee

Flat fee is a specific, total fee.

There are some jobs that I do so often, I know going in roughly how much time I will have to spend.  For these projects, I offer flat-fee services. In a flat-fee project, you pay a one-time fee – there’s no guess work. You know exactly how much the entire project will cost. If I end up spending more time than anticipated, you won’t owe anything extra. For example, we charge a flat fee to handle will and probate or an uncontested divorce.

Contingency Fee

Fee is based on a percentage of the amount awarded in the case. Instead of paying your attorney at law an hourly rate throughout the representation, you assign a percentage of your recovery to your attorney. It is exclusive of costs. If you lose the case, the lawyer does not get the fee, but you will still have to pay for the expenses. Although you will not be paying your attorney’s fees directly, you will have to pay for any costs that are levied by third parties, such as the court, a mediator, court expert witness, interpreters, court fees.

Contingency fee percentages vary and it may be charged in personal injury cases, property damage cases, employment matters.

Retainer Fee

Retainer is a “down payment” against which future costs to be billed. It is placed in a special account and the cost of services is deducted from that account as they accrue and it means that the attorney at law is “on call” to handle your legal problems over a period of time.

Hourly Fee

I can only take a case on contingency if: (A) there is an amount of money that you are seeking to recover (e.g., lost wages), and (B) I think there is a good chance that I will be able to prevail and recover something for you. If you do not meet those requirements, you will need to pay your attorney by the hour.

This is the most typical fee arrangement and it can vary for different types of legal work (e.g.legal research as opposed to the court appearance). For more details take a look Rates for Attorney’s Fees and Disbursements.