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Građanski i privredni sporovi

If disputes are not settled by negotiation, they will be concluded either by court litigation or by an alternative form of dispute resolution, such as arbitration or mediation, which are potentially more expeditious and less costly…

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Imigracije i prava stranaca

As an immigration lawyer, I may represent clients in BIH SERVICE FOR FOREIGNER’S AFFAIRS or other institutions, or I may counsel clients about their legal rights and obligations related to immigration, among other things. I also suggest courses of action…

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Intelektualno vlasništvo

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. I deal with legal issues related to trademarks, trade secrets, and copyrights.

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Korporativno i privredno pravo

I advise clients from starting up, incorporation of the companies and other legal entities, representation in the registration procedures, commercial services, competition services, selling, acquiring and combining businesses…

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Krivično pravo

Misdemeanour proceedings in the area of customs and tax regulations, personal data protection, corporate law and other areas of law. I represent injured parties, drafting criminal charges and providing defense in criminal proceedings for economic crimes.

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Savjetujem u pogledu nekretnina, od prodajnih transakcija do sporova između strana. U vaše ime ću pregledati sve papire prije potpisivanja ugovora i savjetovati vas o bilo kakvim problemima ili propustima u vezi s dokumentacijom. To znači da ću vam pomoći u pripremi i pregledu dokumenata koji se odnose na nekretnine, kao što su kupoprodajni ugovori, hipoteka, dokumenti o vlasništvu i kupoprodajne ugovore.

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My services are the interpretation and translation of documents from English to Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian languages.
These are court certified translation of various texts, personal documents, legal documents, contracts…

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Pro Bono

Pro bono cases and services leverage my legal skills to help those who are unable to afford lawyers. I might also privately accept a case “pro bono” and I won’t charge a client in need for my services, or I’ll accept a significantly lower fee.

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Radno pravo

You’re always better off negotiating terms on the front end, rather than waiting for something to go wrong. I encourage all employees to schedule a comprehensive review session before they sign anything.

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Strateška parnica

Strategic litigation is much more than simply stating your case before a judge. Strategic litigation, sometimes also called impact litigation, involves selecting and bringing a case to the courtroom with the goal of creating broader changes in society.

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Ugovorno pravo i pregovaranje

I encourage all individuals to schedule a comprehensive review session before they sign anything. I’ll make sure you understand every last word of your agreement, and give you the tools you need to make important changes.

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Zaštita ličnih podataka

I advise individuals and organizations in BiH and worldwide on matters as diverse as Personal Data Protection in Bosnian legislation, GDPR in EU and other privacy compliance, data breaches, data transfer challenges and use of cookies and online tracking.

[cmsms_profile uniqid=”cmsms_shcd_5e3869330bf747_58216377″ title=”Emina Z. Pintarić” subtitle=”Attorney at Law” icons=”%5B%7B%7D%5D” link=”|||”]

Pružam visoko pouzdana pravna rješenja

Advokatura uključuje praktičnu primjenu apstraktnih pravnih teorija i znanja za rješavanje specifičnih individualiziranih problema ili za unapređenje interesa.

Tražite pouzdanu savjetnicu?

Voljela bih vas upoznati.

Za pravo rješenje vaših pravnih problema trebaju vam pravni stručnjaci sa vještinom, integritetom i iskustvom.

Za konsultacije pošaljite mi e-mail ili nazovite!

Rezervišite besplatne konsultacije

Svaka situacija je jedinstvena. To su općeniti odgovori – oni nisu zamjena za istinsko, individualizirano savjetovanje s advokatom. Da biste dobili odgovore na vaša konkretna pitanja, zakažite konsultacije.

Da bi klijenta mogla savjetovati o tome što bi trebao ili trebala učiniti, potrebno je sagledati konkretne činjenice klijentovog slučaja. Kao advokatica mogu pružiti odgovarajući pravni savjet.

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